Queen Bee
Educational Foundation, Inc.
Heights, IL 60139-5663
Students of Queen Bee Elementary District 16
Welcome to Glenside Project
The students were given their Glenside red folders and pencils on the
first day of school. They contained welcome information and all the
paperwork they needed to take home for parents to sign. We plan to
expand the information next year to include FAQs for new students. The
6th grade advisors all commented on how excited the students were and
about how convenient it was for the students to have a place on the
first day to keep everything organized.
The ELL students in Level 3 are
also working on writing and producing a "Welcome to Glenside" video that
future new students will be able to see.

Page revised 01/31/2010
The Queen Bee Educational Foundation is a 501(3)(c) charitable
organization. Contributions to QBEF are tax deductible.
© 2008-2010 QBEF, Inc.